The project "HealthEDU" aims to educate and to form children’s, parents’, educational institution employees’ healthy nutrition habits, positive attitudes to nutrition and provision of food. To develop and promote health friendly nutrition and health friendly lifestyle principles and awareness in the community, to introduce health friendly dishes in the children‘s menu
The main target group is: community of pre-schools, schools involving children (4-10 y.o.), parents and pedagogical, non-pedagogical personnel who directly educates children.
Activities and results: to create innovative teaching methodology of health friendly nutrition in pre-primary and primary education while doing these activities:
Educational Events for children (organized at educational institutions during particular events: 08/11/2016 European Healthy Food Day; 22/03/2017 – World Water Day; 07/04/2017 – World Health Day; 16/10/2017 – World Food Day)
Competitions and Events (Healthy Food Reciepies Post, Drawings competition, etc.)
Children educational trips to natural farms/food enterprises,companies.
Workshop (in national level)
Methodical material creation
Training program creation
Practical seminars
Analysis of feedbacks from external users, public bodies
Evaluation of training program by external evaluator-expert