The main aim of the Multiplier events was to present and share reached experience, international findings, outcomes, methodical material, educational programmes.
Participants were invited from:
- Educational institutions (pre-primary and primary schools community members (from beneficiaries) Pedagogical personnel, parents, administrative personnel, non-pedagogical personnel concerning with nutrition and food preparation.
- Local, regional, national public authorities in charge of educational and health promotion policies
- Associations', networks' members who participate in the project as associated partners for dissemination, exploitation
- Specialists and managers from teachers training and qualification improvement centres
- Members from National Agency (Švietimo mainų paramos fondas)
- Other participants interested in project topic.
2 main events were organized in Lithuania:
- the 1st event took place in Trakai region (Esperanza) on the 22nd of October, 2019 (27 participants) (AGENDA).
- the 2nd event took place in Kaunas on the 21st of November, 2019 (49 participants) and also 3 smaller events were organized in kindergartens inviting community (pedagogues, parents, staff) (AGENDA).
Moments of the Multiplier events and testimonials of the participants:
Multiplier events organized in Bulgaria:
- In May, 2018 – 15.05.2018 in the Vidin Puppet theatre – for teachers, students, headmasters – 25 representatives, out of which 10 counting as multiplier event participants - new to the project teachers.
- In June, 2018 - 12.06.2018, in the hall of the Regional educational management authority in Veliko Tarnovo: 1 “Arch. Georgi Kozarov”, Tarnovo – for teachers, educators, representatives of the authorities – 28 participants in the list, out of which 24 counting as multiplier event participants - new to the project teachers.
- In July, 2018 - 13 July 2018 Varna, Bulgaria, Location Second corps of Varna University of Economics (24 “Evlogi Georgiev” street – right next to kindergarten “Mechtateli” where the partners had their meeting on the day before) – for teachers and headmasters from kindergartens and schools from the districts of Varna and Dobrich – a total of 15 eligible multiplier event participants.
- In October, 2018. On the 30 October 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria – location 149 kindergarten “Zornitsa”, 22 Zhelezopatna street, Orlandovtsi residential area, Sofia. 14 teachers from the kindergarten received the methodological material and were presented with information about all project results achieved. The kindergarten also received gifts for the children.
- In November, 2018:
- 2 Nov 2018 – location Mladost 4 residential area, building 404 – 2 teachers from kindergarten 189 “Sto usmivki” and 1 teacher from 30 secondary school “Bratya Miladinovi” – 3 in total – obtained information about all project results and activities and were presented with the methodological material and gifts for the children. - 5 Nov 2018 – location kindergarten 32 “Bulgarche” in Lulin 3 residential area, Sofia, BG – 14 teachers from the kindergarten received the methodological material and were presented with information about all project results achieved. The kindergarten also received gifts for the children.
- 7 Nov 2018 – location kindergarten 33 “Sreburni zvancheta” in Ovcha kupel residential area, Sofia, BG – 14 teachers from the kindergarten received the methodological material and were presented with information about all project results achieved. The kindergarten also received gifts for the children.
- 9 Nov 2018 – location kindergarten “Radost” in Elin Pelin, Sofia district – 2 teachers and a group of children – the teachers from the kindergarten received the methodological material and were presented with information about all project results achieved. The children were presented with some interesting information also.
- 20 Nov 2018 – location kindergarten “Charles Perrault” in Sofia where the methodological material was provided to the headmistress – Mrs. Petya Blagoeva. We implemented a number of multiplier events, sharing the project results with representatives of the target groups from various regions in our country.

In Turkey:
The organizational capacity of Kayseri İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü has significantly increased in healthy nutrition education thanks to the HealthEDU project which it has implemented in partnership with European partners and local beneficiaries. As a result of the project activities and materials the awareness and positive attitude about the healthy nutrition significantly increased.
This increase became apparent in the interviews with the teachers and experts during the multiplier event. participants from 21 different educational institutions attended the event (16/11/2018).
• The participants were mostly from Pre-primary schools, but there were also participants from Primary Schools. In order to disseminate the project to wider target groups, we mostly invited teachers and a symbolic number of administrators from pre-primary and primary schools which are not beneficiary schools involved in HealthEDU. Although the beneficiaries have already carried out activities as part of the project and were well informed about the project content, they were delivered the Multiplier Event content in flash memory sticks.
• During the final conference the content of eBook was presented, the conclusion achieved during the discussions. The event started in the morning at Serace Hotel with the participation of over 40 teachers, administrators and experts. In the first session, project administrator and researcher Mükremin İncedağ made a presentation about the project period from the beginning to the end. During the presentation project details, objectives, activities, materials and other things were explained. In the context of HealthEDU, the importance of European projects are emphasized to promote and improve school education, specially on childhood nutrition education. After the presentation, the participants’ questions were answered in Q&A session. Hakan Yiğit, Project Director, explained the impacts of HealthEDU project on the organizational capacity. He further explained the tangible results and improvements achieved by implementing HealthEDU. During the Q&A session questions about future cooperation probabilities, the sustainability of the project, how to implement it across the whole city, to further develop the project idea are discussed with the participants. Zühal Gers, project researcher, explained the development of the methodical material which was designed and prepared in cooperation with the project partners. She also touched the classroom activities in details, with explanations about the
thematic areas, primary messages, learning objectives in primary messages and annexes. In the last part of the her speech, she introduced the floor game “I eat healthy food and I enjoy” and explained the pedagogical aspects of it. In the final part, she demonstrated how to effectively use the game in the classroom to promote the learning process of healthy nutrition. Dr. Dietician Serap Yavuz who works as a health specialist at Public Health Center made presentations about the childhood nutrition. During her presentations, she also emphasized the need for such project to create an awareness in the community in order to prevent diseases in the adulthood and to grow healthy generations.

In Italy:
The Multiplier Event (29/11/2019) was organized in the framework of a conferences’ cycle organized by Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “Federigo Enriques” (hotel school located in Castelfiorentino). From the beginning of the school year, Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “Federigo Enriques” organized a cycle of conferences on the topics related to health nutrition. Each conference was organized in order to analyze the relationship between nutrition and specific target groups. The last conference was organized in order to investigate the relationship between nutrition and pupils in pre-primary and primary education. In this framework, the HealthEdu project was presented in order to provide current students (and future nutritionists, health education’ teachers and canteens’ staff), teachers, public bodies’ representatives and nutritionists with skills and competences on how to develop and promote a positive and unified approach to a proper, healthy and balanced nutrition in childhood. For this purpose, students and teachers (health education and physichal education) from Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “Federigo Enriques”, Liceo Scientifico “Alessandro Volta”, Liceo Scientifico “San Giovanni Bosco”, Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria “Cennino Cennini” participated in the event. In addition, teachers from pre-primary school “Leonardo Da Vinci”, nutritionists and representatives from the municipality of Castelfiorentino were invited and participated in the event.

In Spain:
The Multiplier Event of HealthEDU project took place on October 30th in the University Florida Auditorium, in which 91 people attended belonging to the following target groups: - Universities - Schools (3-18) - Pre-Primary Education centres - Vocational training centres - Town Council - Food and catering companies - Pediatricians and nutritionists - Teachers - Individuals
1. Mavi Corell and Rafael Adell (Teachers from Florida Universitaria and staff of the project) first took the floor to explain the content of the HealthEDU project and, above all, its main results, showing the activities carried out mainly with the centres associated with the project. The e-book format of the methodological material was also shown, explaining in detail the different parts of which the e-book is composed and the link where they can find and download it online shortly.
2. Then, Manuel Martínez Pons, pediatrician, gave a lecture on the concept of healthy eating in schools and in children and young people, updating the vision of health and nutrition from a medical point of view.
3. Afterwards, there was a debate between the participants and the speakers, with different questions and exchange of ideas. 4. After the debate, María Saiz, manager of sustainable Catering “Menjar-te”, explained how to make recipes and eat in the healthiest way without losing the taste for cooking, showing the different possibilities of being able to eat in a much healthier way with totally ecological and nutritious products. 5. Finally, a catering with ecological and healthy products was offered to all the participants, thus being able to verify that health is not incompatible with good eating. During the event, there was an in-depth debate with the participants and speakers about the results of the project (usability and content of the e-book, roles of associated centres in the project, etc.) as well as the different arguments that the pediatrician gave about healthy eating in children and how to promote these good eating practices in schools. Evaluation templates were given to all participants in order to know their impressions regarding the organization of the event, its logistics, content and interest. The result was really very positive from all of them.

In Greece:
The Multiplier event "CHILDREN AND HEALTHY EATING HABBITS" was organized 19th of October in Alexandroupolis, Greece. The participants were mainly teachers at primary school level and at early childhood school level. Among the participants were also parents interested in the field of nutrition education. The audience was also comprised by representatives of Greek municipalities as well as representatives of the higher education sector (perspective teachers, PhD candidates, researchers). Among the participants were also vocational school teachers, teachers active in the field of special education, educators active in the area of informal education and private employees that were interested in the topics covered. The event started with a welcome speech by the representatives of Edumotiva in the context of which the aim of the event was described and connected to the objectives of the HealthEDU project. Vasiliki Pagoni (Edumotiva) presented the objectives of the HealthEDU project, the methodology that was followed and the outputs that were produced. In addition, she demonstrated the outputs in the official HealthEDU website while explaining in an easy to grasp way what each ‘intellectual document’ is about and who can be benefitted by going through it. The adoption of healthy eating habits was closely connected to physical activity. In this light, the floor was given to the three invited speakers who 1) highlighted the value of physical activity providing also some good practice example 2) stressed the need for physical activity and how this is connected to psychology and emotional development and 3) introduced the concept of sports academies that can provide holistic approach towards healthy eating habbits. Vasiliki Pagoni was then described the pedagogical ideas underpinning the HealthEDU learning activities and presented selected activities that took place in kindergartens and primary school the last 2 years in the context of the HealthEDU project. As she explained these activities are available in the HealthEDU book and the HealthEDU team is willing to provide support for deployment post project completion. The FB page was also promoted as a community of practice in the field of nutrition education for students 4-10 years old. The event closed with social discussion with the attendees and light snacks. The evaluation forms were paper-based and delivered in English. The participants were kindly asked to submit the forms in the reception desk. 50 forms were gathered out of the 53 participants. The event was well accepted by the participants how addressed a high mark to most of the aspects. The content was considered interesting and relevant to teachers and parents’ needs. Among the comments raised during the closing discussion and through the paper-based forms was that everything was well explained moving beyond academic and hard to grasp scientific terms. The fact that good practice examples as well as activities ready for deployment, were presented was highly appreciated. In summary, it was a successful event attracting the interest of more than 50 people. The content raised attendees’ interest who expressed their satisfaction and stated that events like that should be organised periodically in the future covering nutrition education from different perspective. The school community was benefited by their participation in the event as (based on their statements) they were shown a way to start implementing nutrition education session in a playful and interactive way.
Final dissemination conferences were an important opportunity to disseminate the project results and to carry out a further discussion on:
- Teaching health-friendly nutrition subjects in pre-primary, primary education institutions.
- Enhance children skills through their active involvement in the learning of health-friendly nutrition and eating culture process.
- Education on eating habits, and especially health-friendly nutrition influence for health of children. Education that not to go against his natural habits and intuitive understanding.
- Health-friendly and health-unfriendly food products, its selection, understanding of constitute
- Health-friendly and health-unfriendly food preparation methods, their importance. Know how to.
- Eating culture formation (theoretical knowledge based on international good practise examples)
Project social network (facebook community) is very wide and involved many participants. Multiplier events and seminars will ensure project sustainability and real usability of results in wide auditorium, which could improve education, as well will promote National and European Strategical aims.
More shared moments could be found in project's facebook: